A Study on the Logitudinal method of the physical growth and development in Korean youth 인문 · 사회편 : 한국(韓國) 청소년(靑少年)의 성장발달(成長發達)에 대(對)한 종단적(縱斷的) 연구(硏究) - 다단층(多段層), 유층별(類層別), 종단적(縱斷的) 표본(標本)을 중심(中心)으로 -
A Study on the Logitudinal method of the physical growth and development in Korean youth 인문 · 사회편 : 한국(韓國) 청소년(靑少年)의 성장발달(成長發達)에 대(對)한 종단적(縱斷的) 연구(硏究) - 다단층(多段層), 유층별(類層別), 종단적(縱斷的) 표본(標本)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study is to identify the pattern of the physical growth of the Korean Youngsters through a longitudinal analysis of the body structure, fat weight, and nutritional index.
For this purpose, we analyzed the following variables the averages of body physical standards, physical structure and nutritional index. body fat, the average body weight according to the age. the maximum growth age, the rate of obesity. the correlations and longitudinal comparison of the Korean youth’s physical structure since 1948.
A total of 8.237 samples were randomly selected in 29 districts accross the country including large cities. middle cities, rural areas, and island areas according to the following guidelines:
a. Student who were borne between March 1, 1979 and February 28. 1980
b. Student who were borne between March 1, 1976 and February 28. 1977
c. Student who were borne between March 1, 1973 and February 28. 1974
I. Body Measurements
1. body height
Between the age of 8-11, 11-14, 14-17, the average body height of the male is significantly higer than that of the female in all ages at the probability of 0.001. But between the ages of 12.5 and 13.5 the average body height of the female exceeded that of the male, there by switching male superiority. Between the ages of 11 and 17, the female shows greater growth. The age of the maximum growth of body height is between 12 and 13 for the male when be grows 7.21㎝ per year in average and between 10-11 for the female when she grows 6.59㎝ per year in average. These data show a fact that starts to grow earlier than the male by about two years.
2. body weight
From the age of 8-9 and 13-17. the male excells the female in average body weight. But between 10 and 12 years of age, an average female out weights an average man, there by switching male supremacy. The male shows his maximum growth, 5.91㎏ in body weigth between 12 and 13 years of age, where as the female shows the maximum growth of 4.92㎏ in the years of 10 through 11, i.e., two year earlier than the male.
3. chest girth
From the age of 8 through 17, the male enjoys bigger chest girth than the female. Between 11-12 and 14-15 years of age, however, the female shows a bigger chest girth in average. The male shows the maximum annial growth of chest girth 4.06㎝, in the year between 14 and 15, and the female in the year between 11 and 12 by’ 5.19㎝.
4. sitting height
From the age of 8 through 17, the male sitting height is greater than the female sitting height in average except during three years from 10-11 and 12-13 years of age. The maximum annual growth is recorded by the male between the year of 12 and l3 as 3.63㎝ and by the female between the year of 10 and 11 as 3.44㎝.
Here again, the female shows the maximum growth two year earlier than the male.
5. comparison of body structure(standards) by region, blood type and month of birth.
In both sexes, body standards(body height, body weight, chest girth, sitting height) show unilinear regional patterns of growth. The middle cities show biggest growth and standards. The residents in metropolitan cities are the second best. The residents in rural areas are the third. The blood types did not make any differance in body structure. In terms of the seasons of birth, the magnitude of body structure is in order of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.
II. Physical and Nutritional Indices
1. relative body weight
Body male(20.49±2.93) and female(20.08±2.58) in the age of 8 grow in relative body weight as they grow old until the age of 17, when male reaches his heaviest weight of 35.75±3.89 and female of 33.32±3.81. Generally male relative body weight is bigger than that of female. But in the ages between 13 and 15 there was a cross over between the two sexes.
2. relative chest girth
The relative chest girth of both male(48.54±2.67) and female(47.76±2.65) in the age of 8 decreases as they grow temporarily than increase again until the age 17 when the relative chest girth of male reaches 51.8±3.18 and that of female 50.78±3.42. The cross over between male and female appears at the age of 11-12 and female exceeds male from then on.
3. relative sitting height
The sitting height in the age of 8 are 55.14±1.54 for the male and 55.01 ±1.56 for the female. The relative sitting height for the body height decreases untill the age of 17 when it reaches its highest: 54.07±1.60 for the male and 54.43±1.37 for the female. At the age of 12-14 the female excells the male in the relative sitting height,
4. Rohrer index
The Rohrer index at the age of eight is 1.24±0.14 for the male and 1.23±0.13 for the female. It reaches its highest the age of 8 : 1.24±0.14.
5. Kaup index
At the age of 8, the Kaup indicators are 1.59±1.19 for male and 1.57±0.17 for female. They increase untill the age of 17 when they reach 2.09±0.22 for male and 2.10±0.24 for female.
6. Vervaeck index
At the age of 8, the Vervaeck indicators are 69.03±4.79 for male and 67.84±4.51 for female. They increase untill the age of 17 when they reach 87.56±6.33 for male and 86.10±6.64 for female. The female exceeds the male in the nutritional indicator between the ages of 12 and 16.
7. Pelidisi index
At the age of eight, the Pelidisi indicators are 90.45±3.64 for male and 90.41±3.69 for female. They increase untill the age of 16 when they are 92.48±4.62 for male and 93.84±3.73 for female. At the age of 14 the female out- reaches the male in the nutritional indicators.
8. Comparison of body standards with nutritional indicators by region, blood type and month of birth Details are illustrated in tables 25 through 45.
Ⅲ. The quaruty of fat through the method of measurement of physical body
The fatness of male at the age of 11 is 4.00±1.05kg m average, while that of female is 10.43±1.19kg, It increase untiil the age of 17 when it reaches 9.77±2.57kg for male and 13.42±i.72kg for female. In other words, the female shows greater proportion of fat in her body. Both male and female are in the normal range of fatness.
IV. Obesity rate computed on the basis of standard body weight
The standard weight of the Korean young boys and girls are computed from the same samples that are for the above analysis.i.e., 1,420 youngsters between the ages of 8 and 11,1,374 between the ages 11 and 1,386 from a group of 14 to 17 years of age. The regression analysis of body height and body weight is provided in table 52. A cross tabulation(i.e.,frequency table)of sex, age, body height, and body weight is provided in table 52. The percentage of the overweights according to a table computed according to a regression analysis is 3.73% for male at the age of 8 and 3.73% for female. At the age of 17, both male and female show 3.97%, 3.89%. The total rate of the overweight is 3.98%(3.97 for male and 3.89% for female).
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An Analisis on the Effects and Trend of Sports Reports through Mass Media 인문 · 사회편 : 미디어의 스포츠 보도경향(報道傾向)과 수용자(受容者)의 노출실태(露出實態) 및 효과(效果) 분석(分析)
하남길NamKilHa , 양동근DongKuenYang
30(2) 23-33, 1991
An Analisis on the Effects and Trend of Sports Reports through Mass Media 인문 · 사회편 : 미디어의 스포츠 보도경향(報道傾向)과 수용자(受容者)의 노출실태(露出實態) 및 효과(效果) 분석(分析)
하남길NamKilHa , 양동근DongKuenYang
The Purpose of this study was to investigate the general trend of sports reports and the responses of the receiver, and to analyse the effects of "Uses and Gratification" as a result of exposure under sports report.
In order to perform this study, the sports news of each event in two central newspapers, one local newspaper and three TV Channel were investigated for a Year from August 1, 1989 to July 31, 1990 and also 918 Subjects were randomly Selected from Voluntary Population.
The conclusion of this study were as follows :
1. The sports reports of TV and newspapers in Korea give preponderance to the ball events such as soccer, baseball, volleyball and basketball, and boxing, and so they don`t function well for the balancable development of sports.
2. Usually giving too much time and space to professional sports, the sports reports of TV and newspapers show a heavy commercialistic color.
3. The ages and level of education make little difference in the amount that people watch TV sports programs and read sports news. The culture of sports in Korea shows a great consensus beyond ages and educational backgrounds.
4. The survey shows that people want more information about health and excercise to be covered in the sports reports referring to the real aspects of the present sports reports.
5. In the effects of media connected with the "Uses and Gratification", there was a significant correlation between exposure time of sports reports and release tention needs and affective needs.
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Recent project of Management science in Physical Education and Sports 인문 · 사회편 : 체육경영(體育經營)의 기본적(基本的) 과제(課題)에 관한 연구(硏究)
안종철JongChulAn , 육조영JoYoungYuk
30(2) 35-41, 1991
Recent project of Management science in Physical Education and Sports 인문 · 사회편 : 체육경영(體育經營)의 기본적(基本的) 과제(課題)에 관한 연구(硏究)
안종철JongChulAn , 육조영JoYoungYuk
In management of physical education, organizational structural idea provides not only exercise organization and type but also methodical acknowledgement in case of introducing the guide by selection
Therefor, in present time, it should be studied in adaptation of mass in, recognition, conception, behavior grisp of present phenomenon, method, theory of management than adapt a theory and acknowledgement itself.
These managemental approaching method is efficient in mathematical and probable model and provide effective club to conference decision, solution of managemental problem to plan a accomplishment model.
To present, we discussed approaching method of management of physical education in several viewpoint.
But, including precise use of conception, preciseness of managemental method and accumulation of result of research are investigated through research working in future.
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For the characteristics of physical development and developmental problems in childhood 인문 · 사회편 : 아동기(兒童期)의 신체적 발달특성과 발달적 과제
30(2) 43-50, 1991
For the characteristics of physical development and developmental problems in childhood 인문 · 사회편 : 아동기(兒童期)의 신체적 발달특성과 발달적 과제
The purposes of this study were to investigate the characteristic of physical development and to suggest developmental problems in childhood.
The results were summarized as follows :
1. In childhood, the characteristics of body proportion showed slim style compared with adult. For this reason, physical exercise demand to the whole body coordination or maintain one’s body weight have the advantage in childhood.
2. Coordination that involve agility, flexibility and aynamic balance showed marked progress extending from lower to middle grades in elementary school.
3. Power that involve jumping, throwing and kicking showed marked progress extending from middle to higher grades in elementary school. Muscle strength showed marked progress from higher grades in elementary school to junior high school. Muscular endurance showed marked progess from middle grades in elementary school to junior high school.
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The Effects of Exercise - induced arcusalon Reaction and Movement Time 인문 · 사회편 : 운동부하에 따른 각성수준이 반응 및 동작시간에 미치는 효과
30(2) 51-59, 1991
The Effects of Exercise - induced arcusalon Reaction and Movement Time 인문 · 사회편 : 운동부하에 따른 각성수준이 반응 및 동작시간에 미치는 효과
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of exercise intensity upon simple two-choice RT, and four choice RT. Based on arousal theory and a model of information processing, it was hypothesized that : 1) there will be an inverted-U relationship between exercise intensity and RT, with RT optimal at relatively moderate levels of exercise intensity. 2) Simple RT will be fastest at a higher level of exercise intensity than two-choice RT, and two-choice RT will be fastest at a higher level of exercise intensity than four-choice RT 3) MT was significantly faster at each higher level of exercise intensity.
The three-way interaction among the level of exercise intensity, type of response, and task situation was not statistically significant, giving no support the hypotheses that RT tasks of different complexity would be performed best at different levels of exercise intensity. RT was fastest at moderate levels of exercise intensity, while MT was fastest at high levels of exercise intensity. This lends some support to the hypothesis that tasks requiring minimal information processing(MT) are performed at higher levels of exercise intensity than tasks requiring more information-processing (RT).
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A Semi - longitudinal Study on the Physique and Maximum Growth Age of Korean Youth in an Urban Area (Pyung Tack City) 인문 · 사회편 : 일부도시지역(一部都市地域) 청소년(靑少年)의 성장발육(成長發育)과 최대성장발육년령(最大成長發育年齡)에 관한 유사종단적(類似縱斷的) 연구(硏究)
30(2) 61-67, 1991
A Semi - longitudinal Study on the Physique and Maximum Growth Age of Korean Youth in an Urban Area (Pyung Tack City) 인문 · 사회편 : 일부도시지역(一部都市地域) 청소년(靑少年)의 성장발육(成長發育)과 최대성장발육년령(最大成長發育年齡)에 관한 유사종단적(類似縱斷的) 연구(硏究)
On the basis of the study intended to research by semilongitudinal research the growth-accelerating phenomena that maximum age in teenager’s physique. The subject of study were 463 persons(male : 224, female : 239) that they were born from March, 1 in 1973 to Feb. 28 in 1974 who grew up until the third grade of high school.
By use of them, author intended to research M.G.A. of the growth accelerating phenomena in Pyung Tack City in Korea.
The results were as follows :
1. Physical growth and development
Body height grew one-step direct-development and body weight, chest-girth and sitting height grew two-step direct-development. Female excelled male in two step development.
Intersection phenomena of male and female showed in case of body height : 10.5-13.5, body weight : 10.5-13.5. chest-girth : 12.5-14.5, sitting height : 10.5-13.5.
During this period, female excelled male but after these periods, male excelled female again.
2. Maximum growth age of physique.
M.G.A.’s were 13.44 for male and 11.29 for female which showed that M.G.A. for female appeared about 1.5 year earlier than that of male, in body height.
M.G.A.’s were 13.80 for male and 12.36 for female which showed that M.G.A. for female appeared about 1.5 year earlier than that of male, in body weight.
M.G.A.’s were 14.01 for male and 13.10 for female which showed that M.G.A. for female appeared about 1 year earlier than that of male, in chest-girth.
M.G.A.’s were 13.66 for male and 11.92 for female which showed that M.G.A. for female appeared about 1.7 year earlier than of male, in sitting height.
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Decision making of the order of priority in sport for all investment 인문 · 사회편 : 생활체육 투자우선순위에 관한 연구
The purpose of the study was to select factors of investment and to decide the order of priority among factors (of investment) based on fundamental principle of investment-equality, equity, and efficiency-in the development of sport for all.
The study was conducted in expert group working at sport for all. 30 expert members who were 10 scholars. 10 administarors, and 10 men of business participated in the study.
Data were collected through the use of Delphi-technique and Analytical hierachy process method.
The results of the study are as follows:
6 factors of investment are selected in using Delphi-technique : facility, program, leader, publicity, organization of like- minded persons, administration aid.
Facility factor is divided to close-range facility, broad area facility, occupational facility, open of school facility, management and utilization of facility, and open of public institution facility. Program factor is divided to program development of event and object, and program popularization. Leader factor is divided to pre-service(cultivation), in-service, arrangement, and better treatment of leader. Publicity factor is divided to community and nation-wide publicity. Organization of like-minded persons factor is divided to organization and aid of club. Administration aid factor is divided to opening of event, establishment of long-range plan and systematic research, foundation of consultation office. and law maintenance & aid of tax system in Sport for All.
The order of priority among factors of investment is decided to AHP method.
The whole ranking within Sport for All followed facility, publicity, leader, administration aid, organization, and program(CH=0.03061). The ranking within facility of Sport for All is followed expansion of close range facility, open of school facility. management and utilization of facility, expansion of occupational facility, open o. occupational facility, and expansion of broad area facility (CR=0.00994). The ranking within program is followed program development of object, program development of event, and program popularization (CP=0.00102). The ranking within leader is followed arrangement, pre-service, better treatment, and in-service(CR=0.00878). Nation-wide publicity is higher ranking than community (CR=0.00001). Club organization of like-minded persons is higher ranking than club aid (CR=0.00001). The ranking within administration aid is followed law maintenance & aid of tax system, establishment of long-range plan and systematic research, opening of event, and foundation of consultation office (CR=0.00427).
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Effect of motor pattern on fundamental motor performance between 3.0 and 7.5 years old children 인문 · 사회편 : 기초운동(基礎運動) 기능수행(技能遂行)에 있어서 국면별(局面別) Motor pattern이 Motor Performance에 미치는 영향 - 유아 및 아동초기를 중심으로 -
30(2) 89-101, 1991
Effect of motor pattern on fundamental motor performance between 3.0 and 7.5 years old children 인문 · 사회편 : 기초운동(基礎運動) 기능수행(技能遂行)에 있어서 국면별(局面別) Motor pattern이 Motor Performance에 미치는 영향 - 유아 및 아동초기를 중심으로 -
The purpose of present study was to determine the relationship between motor performance and motor pattern. A total of 15 test items representing motor performance test(25m dash, Standing long jump, Tennis ball throwing), running pattern test(Arm swing, Take-off, Stride, Knee lift phase), Jumping pattern test(Back swing, Take-off, Flight, Landing phase) and throwing pattern test(Back swing, Forward swing, Release, Follow through phase) were examined on 2275 boys and girls aged 3.0 to 7.5 years.
The major findings are summarize as follows ;
1) The contribution of motor patterns to 25m dash performance seemed to be somewhat greater running motor skill. Particularly, the contribution of stride phase to running performance was relative larges.
2) Landing phase contributed greatly to jumping performance followed by take-off, flight and back swing in boy. Take-off phase contributed greatly to jumping performance followed by landing, flight, and back swing phase in girl.
3) Back swing phase contributed greatly to throwing performance followed by forward swing, release and follow through phase in boy. Forward swing phase contributed greatly to throwing performance followed by follow through, back swing and release phase in girl.
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A Comparative Study of the Two Teaching Systems of Physical Education in Elementary School : the Instruction by a Teacher in Charge of all the Classes and that by a Teacher exclusively appointed for his own Specialty 인문 · 사회편 : 국민학교학급담임제(國民學校學級擔任制)와 체육교과전담제(體育敎科專擔制)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)
30(2) 103-109, 1991
A Comparative Study of the Two Teaching Systems of Physical Education in Elementary School : the Instruction by a Teacher in Charge of all the Classes and that by a Teacher exclusively appointed for his own Specialty 인문 · 사회편 : 국민학교학급담임제(國民學校學級擔任制)와 체육교과전담제(體育敎科專擔制)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the problematic points on the two teaching systems-the one carried out by a teacher in charge of all the classes and the other by a teacher specialized in the subject-which still remain unsettled in the educational world on the conviction that some ways to give better treatment to the educators can be found.
The followings are the results of the foregoing studies.
The First one to be considered was that the elementary school teachers are now harassed under the strain of the overload such as the excess of lecture time, the frequent counseling, the makings of grading cards, and so on. Eventually the strain of overwork not only leads them to hate difficulty in preparing for the unspecialized subjects such as music and physical education, but also results in the deterioration of their educational efficiencies and qualities. To solve such problems. each school adopted at its schoolmaster’s discretionary authority the system of interchanging classes between the teachers, in which each is in charge of a class favorable to his own specialty. However, the system have also showed some unexpected problems with regard to the estimation and control of the participants. Also the system of free lance teacher seems to be insufficient to bring the current problems to a settlement, which may result from the lack of solidarity with the teachers in charge of their own classes.
The second considerable problem may happen in the course of adopting the teaching system on which a teacher should teach exclusively his own major. Since all the elementary students have already been accustomed to the teaching system of one teacher covering all the classes, they might see the teacher-covering his own major, especially, the teacher of physical education, merely as a part time instructor or a coach of a team. In addition, if the teacher for physical education takes the same number of classes as do the others, he would have a great difficulty in maintaining a effective practice.
In conclusion, in terms of finding a better way to solve the current educational problems in the elementary school. this study tries to examine the disadvantages of the two different systems in comparative perspective. In my view, as for as the problems mentioned above can be solved, the teaching system of a teacher covering-his own major would make a great contribution to the solution of the strain of the teacher’s overload. Besides, the system could be devoted to the establishment of early specific education for the brilliant children who would be discovered through class. It is hoped that the foregoing arguments can help to adopt a new educational system in the elementary school.
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Platon's Educational Thoughts and Physical Education Loncepts Influomcing Modern Physical Education 인문 · 사회편 : Platon 의 교육사상과 체육관이 현대체육에 미친 영향
김종환JongHwanKim , 임영완YoungOwnLim , 육조영JoYoungYuk
30(2) 111-118, 1991
Platon's Educational Thoughts and Physical Education Loncepts Influomcing Modern Physical Education 인문 · 사회편 : Platon 의 교육사상과 체육관이 현대체육에 미친 영향
김종환JongHwanKim , 임영완YoungOwnLim , 육조영JoYoungYuk
In the result of analysis of Platon’s educational thoughts and physical concepts influencing modern physical education, we made following conclusions;
1. Platon was also very excellent in physical concepts of educational thoughts that grasped in thoughtful developing for attainment of ideal nation. He did great influenced in modern physical education in all area in his book that he remained teachings about physucal education, physical and spiritual correlational problems, basic physical problems in physical education, physical educational theory for protector cultivation for attainment of ideal nation.
2. Platon amphasized not only physical improvement but also spiritual maturement. He expected it to human harmony with mind body. Therefore he thought that physical activity is important training for increasing abstinence and determination and provide pleasure.
3. Platon’s physical concepts practiced physical education itself in the aspects of philosophy. In those facts, he founded important foundation in whole personality education in these days that he understanded physical education is factors of personality formation above religious expressional method and military purpose.
4. Platon criticized body training alone in physical education and expected that human assimilated with mind and body that he stressed harmonious character including spiritual area.
5. Character formation has some difference with periodical situation and national demanding attention in physical education phenomenon. If we interpretate Platon’s physical education concepts to modern situation, it will be wonderful physical philosophy. If we investigate Platon’s educational thoughts and physical education concepts with deeply, it will be great influence in the establishment of physical education theory and sports science development.
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A study on the dance classes in Korea under the rule of imperial Japan 인문 · 사회편 : 일제하(日帝下) 무용강습회(舞踊講習會)에 대한 소고(小考)
30(2) 119-130, 1991
A study on the dance classes in Korea under the rule of imperial Japan 인문 · 사회편 : 일제하(日帝下) 무용강습회(舞踊講習會)에 대한 소고(小考)
We studid the back ground of establishment of dance classes, as well as their realities, contributions and limitations. Furthermore, the thoughts of instructors in these dance classes were investigated.
The following conculusions were reached as the result of this study :
1. After the March First Movement in 1919, as foreign missionaries reinforced education not for the youth but for children because of their own national interests, nursery schools became active.
Dances were taught mainly to children in lower grades or to girl students. Dance classes were attended primarily by nurses in kindergartens and teachers in elementary schools in modern Korea under the rule of Imperial Japan.
2. Due to the atmosphere attaching great importance to culture in the 1920’s and peoples enthusiasm for education. dance classes resopend after the late Imperial Korea have provided important places for the education of childlen.
Especially, the public performence of the Hae-Sam-wi Korean students" musical band, who visited their motherland. has contributed much to the staging of all dances performed in schools and to the activation of the educational institutions for dance. Furthermore, as dance was thought important from the viewpoint of educating students whole personalities, classes for dance teachers were held frequently.
3. Since, most instrutors in the dance classes were educated in Japan, dances in modern Korea were greatly affected by Japeness modern dance.
By examining the thoughts of those instructors, we can find that they focused on rhythmic play for developing human inatincts in the earlier stage, and then gradually made big progresses by creating their original rhythmic plays.
4. Because dance was taught as a kind of play in schools by the teachers with new learnings, people changed their recognition on dance. Now, dance became an indispensable event in the exhibitions of students’ works, which were held for solving the financial troubles of private educational institutions from the dimension of the save-the-nation movement. At the athletic meetings resumed under the new civilized ruling of Imperial Japan, group dances in the form of mass games appeared frequently as its indispensable event. Therefore, instructors participated in the dance classes mainly for coping withe these actual problems so that the educational value of dance gave way to its external outcome.
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A Study on the Factors of Anxiety in Archer's Motor Performance 인문 · 사회편 : 양궁선수(洋弓選手)의 운동수행시(運動遂行時) 불안도(不安度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
30(2) 131-137, 1991
A Study on the Factors of Anxiety in Archer's Motor Performance 인문 · 사회편 : 양궁선수(洋弓選手)의 운동수행시(運動遂行時) 불안도(不安度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
This writer drew a conclusion as follows, utilizing State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) of Spielberger to find out the anxiety level of the archery athletes consisting of 55 senior high-school, college, and professional, preliminary athletes.
1. Those who have good record and career showed low anxiety level in the test.
2. Among A and X groups, the anxiety level before the game increased, the level during the game decreased more or less, and the level after the game increased again.
Among the groups of the test, the anxiety level before the game increased, the level during the game increased more than before, and the level after the game decreased to a great degree.
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A study on the promotion of physical activity at company 인문 · 사회편 : 직장(職場) 체육(體育) 진흥(振興) 방안(方案)
김호민HoMinKim , 권중호JoungHoKwon
30(2) 139-154, 1991
A study on the promotion of physical activity at company 인문 · 사회편 : 직장(職場) 체육(體育) 진흥(振興) 방안(方案)
김호민HoMinKim , 권중호JoungHoKwon
The physical training activities enhance working men’ health and physical strength.
Also they serve working men’ self-realization and satisfy their desires.
Consequently the physical training activities may drop labor accidents and the rate of absenteeism. Also they increase working efficiency. So, to promote of physical activity at company several suggestions are proposed as follows:
First, it is necessary for employers to perceive the importance of physical activity at company and invest to the physical training activities.
Second, all woring men must be able to utilize the physical training facilities easily.
Third, there must be various projects so that working men participate the physical organize the same teste groups.
Fourth, to manage the physical training activities and administration systematically employers must foster the efficient physical directors.
Fifth, the mational physical education promotion laws and the relative laws must be enforced so that employers can invest volutarily to the physical training facilities.
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Effect of Arm - held or Leg - held Weights on the Cardiorespiratory Responses to Jogging 자연 · 과학편 : 팔 또는 다리에 부착시킨 중량이 건강달리기 운동중 호흡순환계 반응에 미치는 효과
30(2) 157-164, 1991
Effect of Arm - held or Leg - held Weights on the Cardiorespiratory Responses to Jogging 자연 · 과학편 : 팔 또는 다리에 부착시킨 중량이 건강달리기 운동중 호흡순환계 반응에 미치는 효과
Ten male physical education major students performed treadmill jogging at a mph to study the cardiorespiratory responses to exercise with arm-help(AW) or with leg-held weights(L.W). Eleven load conditions(no added load, loads of 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% body weights added to either the wrists or ankles) were examined. The results demonstrated that HR, SBP, V˙E, V˙O2, an V˙CO2 increased significantly(p<0.05) as load was increased on both the wrists and ankles. Especially HR, V˙E, V˙O2, and V˙CO2 increased significantly (p<0.05) after the 1% additional external weights(average weights : 0.65㎏) were added to the wrists. In case of the same load(0.65㎏) was added to the ankle HR, V˙E, and V˙O2 increased significantly (p<0.05). SBP increased after 3% additional external weights (average weights : 1.95㎏) were added to the ankles. V˙CO2 increased significantly (p<0.05) after 4% additional external weights(average weights : 2.60㎏) were added to the ankles. HR and SBP for LW were greater than far AW. V˙O2 and V˙CO2 for AW were greater than for LW. DBP and RER did not changed significantly according to the load conditions. These data suggest that 1% wrists or ankles weights can increase the cardiorespiratory benifits of training and may be useful in exercise priscription for the individuals who want to jog.
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An Analytical Survey of Special Physical Education 자연 · 과학편 : 특수체육(特殊體育) 교육(敎育)에 관(關)한 실태조사(實態調査) 연구(硏究)
30(2) 165-175, 1991
An Analytical Survey of Special Physical Education 자연 · 과학편 : 특수체육(特殊體育) 교육(敎育)에 관(關)한 실태조사(實態調査) 연구(硏究)
This study is to analyze basic materials of Physical Education Programs for disabled students. The actual administrative conditions of special physical education are investigated by means of the questionnaires. The subjects of this survey are 50 special schools and 30 special classes attached to general schools.
The analytical results of the questionaires have the following implicative conclusion.
1. All the teachers of special physical education should have both qualification of teaching physical education and the natural disposition of teaching the handicapped.
2. The curriculum management should be managed on the basics of students’ scholastic achivements, that is, according to individual / group learning system.
3. The curriculum should have the goal of improving health and social rehabilitation. In addition to this, the instuructional program had better be suitable for the handicapped condition as well as interest and treatment of the disabled students.
4. Teachers of special physical education should be trained and sppointed while employing proctors and arranging a small-scale classroom(5-10 students).
5. The administrative and financial support is necessary for improving the special education, and what is needed more is to enhance community peoples attention for the handicapped.
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A Study on the Technical Analysis of Tennis Game - The following elements are the results of the Technical Analysis of Foreign Players from the 1991 Marlboro Championship Games - 자연 · 과학편 : Tennis 경기의 기술분석에 관한연구 - Marlboro Championship '91대회를 중심으로 -
변호광HoKwangByum , 김치섭ChSubKim
30(2) 177-180, 1991
A Study on the Technical Analysis of Tennis Game - The following elements are the results of the Technical Analysis of Foreign Players from the 1991 Marlboro Championship Games - 자연 · 과학편 : Tennis 경기의 기술분석에 관한연구 - Marlboro Championship '91대회를 중심으로 -
변호광HoKwangByum , 김치섭ChSubKim
1. From the technical factors of the total points gained and WST, the ground stroke 30.66% is first, and then the serve 21.37%, followed by the service return 18.59%, and finally the volley 10.27%.
2. From the technical factors of the total offensive points gainded, the results are as follows : the serve 35.98%, the ground stroke 28.90%, the passing shot 11.50%, and the service return 6.19%.
3. In Korea, special technical tennis clubs or schools should be set up for young players so they can begin training early with the combined activities of physical education and the scientific training method, the world level of tennis in our country should be more developed in the nere future.
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Effect of sodium citrate ingestion on acid - base balance and performance 자연 · 과학편 : Sodium Citrabe 투여가 산-염기 평형 운동능력에 미치는 영향
30(2) 181-186, 1991
Effect of sodium citrate ingestion on acid - base balance and performance 자연 · 과학편 : Sodium Citrabe 투여가 산-염기 평형 운동능력에 미치는 영향
The effects of sodium citrate ingestion on urine pH, blood pH, blood bicanbonate concentration [HCO-₃], blood lactate concentration (HLa), and treadmill running performance were studied using six male college students. Subjects ingested 500㎖ solution (Gettoray) containing either sodium citrate (C : 300㎎ · ㎏ body weight) or a sports drink placebo(P : Gettoray) 90min prior to exercise to exraustion at 95% V˙O₂max.
There was a significant increase urine pH, blood pH, [HCO-₃] after C ingestion compared to Pin pre-exercise and recovery l5min, respectively. Although statistically non-significant, a longer time to exhausiton was achieved in C (476.5±105.0 sec) then P (426.2±81.3 sec). Also, similar HLa levels were found at pre-treatment, pre-exercise, recobery 3min and 15min in both treatments, respectively.
These results indicate that sodium citrate ingestion had an alkalinizing effect in blood, showed a possibility of the improvement for endurance time during exercise at 95%V˙O₂max, stimulated the rate of recovery from exhaustion, but did not effect blood lactate concentration.
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A Study on the physical Exercise Function of Ballet Techniques 자연 · 과학편 : 발레기법의 신체(身體) 운동적(運動的) 기능(技能)에 관한 연구(硏究)
30(2) 187-193, 1991
A Study on the physical Exercise Function of Ballet Techniques 자연 · 과학편 : 발레기법의 신체(身體) 운동적(運動的) 기능(技能)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The intention of this article is to show, without doubt. that Ballet techniques is indeed a part of artistic sport. The following three principles are drawn directly from balletic techniques of motion: (1) maintaining balance, (2) jumping efficiently, and (3) Using turn-out in motion, Certainly not complete or inclusive of all possibly applications, they are offered as prime examples of applicability. Those three basic principles have been applied throughout modern, contemporary physical education programs.
In 1968 olympics, ballet technique was applied successfully in diving skills and gymnasts now are better because of increased exposure to ballet techniques. Using ballet techniques along with other concepts of basic movement can become an invaluable aid for instruction at every grade level of physical education. Therefore, the writer thinks that ballet techniques, among the controversy of artistic sport or art form, should be considered as a part of atristic sport.
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The estimation of VO2max from the respiratory exchange ratio 자연 · 과학편 : 호흡교환율 ( VCO2/VO2)을 이용한 VO2max 의 예측
김재호JaeHoKim , 이명천MyungC.Lee , 이재완JaeW.Lee
30(2) 195-203, 1991
The estimation of VO2max from the respiratory exchange ratio 자연 · 과학편 : 호흡교환율 ( VCO2/VO2)을 이용한 VO2max 의 예측
김재호JaeHoKim , 이명천MyungC.Lee , 이재완JaeW.Lee
The purpose of this study is to predict V˙O₂max according to the estimation of %V˙O₂max from the respiratory exchange ratio. The result are as follow :
1. The relationships between the respiratory exchange ratio and % V˙O₂max and the relationships between the respiratory exchange ratio and V˙O₂max are high
(M group r = 0.76, r = 0.77)
(F group r = 0.80, r = 0.83)
2. The prediction between the respiratory exchange ratio and % V˙O₂max is 59-68%.
3. The regression of % V˙O₂max and V˙O₂max are as follow:
%V˙O₂max (Male) = (2.053 × R - 1.356) × 100
% V˙O₂max (Female) = (1.634 × R - 0.969) × 100
V˙O₂max (Male) = VO₂/ (2.053 × R - 1.356)
V˙O₂max (Female) = VO₂/ (1.634 × R - 0.969)
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This study aims at presenting fundamental data regarding development of training program for Korean pentath-letes by clearing characteristics of each sport of Modern Pentathlon 자연 · 과학편 : 근대(近代)5종경기(種競技) 종목별(種目別) 특성(特性) 및 훈련(訓練) 프로그램 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
30(2) 205-220, 1991
This study aims at presenting fundamental data regarding development of training program for Korean pentath-letes by clearing characteristics of each sport of Modern Pentathlon 자연 · 과학편 : 근대(近代)5종경기(種競技) 종목별(種目別) 특성(特性) 및 훈련(訓練) 프로그램 개발(開發)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
1. Peculiarity of efforts made in Modern Pentathlon
1) Riding : efforts are made in somewhat unique positions under irregular and speedy conditions on the horse.
2) Fencing : efforts are characterized by complex movement in direct encounter with the opponent.
3) Swimming : Circulatory movement, especially that of upper-part of the body in needed.
4) Shooting : upper-part movement and constant lower-part still posture is needed.
5) Cross-Country : characterized by circulatory movement and resistance.
2. Characteristics in training process
Modern Pentathlon, a combination of 5 completely different sports, needs a quantity of basic braining from the preliminary through skilled stage and its characteristics lie in how to harmonize and train these 5 sports.
3. Inter-relations among 5 sports
1) Swimming and Cross-Country need circulatory movement. In these two sports, Swimming needs accelaration of upper-part of the body and Cross-Country, lower-part.
2) A negative influence is proved between Fencing and Shooting. It is recommended to avoid immediate and consecutive training of these two sports.
3) There are positive influences between Cross-Country and Fencing, Shooting and Riding, Fencing and Swimming.
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Effect of Training in Plasma Lipoprotein 자연 · 과학편 : 혈장 지방단백질에 대한 트레이닝의 영향
This study aimed at analyzing the chang of serum lipoprotein before and after training. Training group were A group(drinking only), B group(no smoking and to drinking). C group (consistent smoking and drinking). The fourth non-training control group was D group (consistent smoking and drinking). With the work intensity of 60% HR max, the 30-minute training was administered for 10 week. 5 times a week. The results follow.
1) The three training groups had similar was trends, while smoking and drinking group(c group) showed a most sighigicant difference before and after trainings.
2) Alpha increased significantly and Prebeta decreased with significance in lipoprotein fraction. Also Beta showed no significant change.
3) Triglycerides decreased most significantly in consistent smoking and drinking group (c group)
4) As for cholesterol, HDL-C increased and VLDL-C decreased significantly, Total-C and LDL-C showed no significant change.
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A study on the changes of structure and function of ballerinas foot 자연 · 과학편 : 발레 무용수의 경력에 따른 발의 형태 및 기능 변화에 관한 연구
30(2) 233-238, 1991
A study on the changes of structure and function of ballerinas foot 자연 · 과학편 : 발레 무용수의 경력에 따른 발의 형태 및 기능 변화에 관한 연구
In order to determine how the function and structure of the foot of the ballerinas are charged according to the term of the ballet training.
The present study investigated the differences in plantar flexion, longitudinal arch, hallux valgus, and dorsal flexion degrees between 6 year or above(A group) versus 6 years or below ballet training group(B group).
The subject were consisted of 14 female college students who majored in ballet.
The main findings of study from the measurement of 4 different variables were as follows.
1) A group was significantly higher than B group in the plantar flexion degree. The result showes, that as the term of the ballet training increased, the plantar flexion degree increased.
2) There was no statistically significant difference in the longitudinal arch degree between A versus B group. The result showes that long-term ballet training did not greatly affect the longitudinal arch degree.
3) There was no statistically significant difference in the hallux valgus degree between A versus B group. The result showes that long-term ballet training did not greatly affect the hallux valgus degree.
4) A group was lower than B group in dorsal flexion degree but there was no statistically significant difference between two groups.
The result showes that long-term ballet training rather limited the general function of the foot because it greatly emphasized the planter flexion.
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The Comparison of Cardiovascular System Response after Absolute and Reletive Exercise Loads between Athletes and Nonathletes 자연 · 과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 비운동선수(非運動選手)의 절대(絶對) 및 상대(相對) 운동(運動) 부하시(負荷時) 심혈관계(心血管系) 반응(反應) 비교(比較)
30(2) 239-251, 1991
The Comparison of Cardiovascular System Response after Absolute and Reletive Exercise Loads between Athletes and Nonathletes 자연 · 과학편 : 운동선수(運動選手)와 비운동선수(非運動選手)의 절대(絶對) 및 상대(相對) 운동(運動) 부하시(負荷時) 심혈관계(心血管系) 반응(反應) 비교(比較)
To investigate the influence of long-term exercise on functional changes of the cardiovascular system, this study was conducted by comparing between 10 athletes and 10 nonathletes. Both groups were tested under three conditions: resting, Taylors absolute exercise, and 85% V˙O₂ max relative exercise. Heart rate, blood pressure, and blood serum components, such as glucose, lactate, protein, cholesterol were measured and analyzed comparing each group. The following is the analysis of data obtained by observation:
1. In comparing athletes, lactate level showed the most highest level concentrations under absolute exercise among three conditions, and only heart rate was showed the most highest level under relative exercise among three conditions. Other componts showed no significant difference.
2. In comparing nonathletes, lactate, cholesterol levels showed the most highest level under absolute exercise among three conditions, and only heart rate was showed the most highest level under relative exercise among three conditions. Other components showed on sighificant difference.
3 In comparing athletes against nonathletes. athletes showed higher level on low density lipoprotein concentration under absolute exercise condition and higher level on lactate concentration under relative exercise condition than nonathletes. And nonathletes showed higher level on heart rate. and glucose, protein concentrations under absolute exercise, and showed higher level on heart rate. glucose concentration under relative exercise condition than athletes. Other components showed no significant difference.
As a conclusion, this study can be suggested that in relation to functional aspects of the heart, exercise significantly influences the cardiovascular system, regardless of exercise conditions.
The burden on the heart caused by exercise activates the reactory mechanisms of cardiovascular system, thereby. developing heart’s dulability to resist the load of exercise. So, it can be conclusively said that cardiovascular adaptation to longterm exercise is made by functional changes of the heart.
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A Kinematic Analysis of Rounoff in front of beam. Salto backward stretched with step out to cross stand on beam 자연 · 과학편 : 손짚고 옆돌아 몸펴 뒤 공중 돌아 오르기 동작의 운동학적 분석(分析)
30(2) 253-262, 1991
A Kinematic Analysis of Rounoff in front of beam. Salto backward stretched with step out to cross stand on beam 자연 · 과학편 : 손짚고 옆돌아 몸펴 뒤 공중 돌아 오르기 동작의 운동학적 분석(分析)
We have analyzed the nationed gymnasts round-off in front of beam cat-end-salto backward streched with step out to cross stand on beam in the balance exercise in order to complement its defects and supply as gymnasts discipline data.
The conclusions are as follows.
1.When we analyzed the whole motions by four stages, the main difference of the used time came from the backward salto.
2.According to the results we analyzed the change in the joint angle of then four limbs.
1) HNJ bend her elbow instantly after she climbed the balance.
2) CEJ caused the results which the size of motion looks smaller because she downed her hand in the process of forward salto.
3.All the subject‘s angle of head and waist looked quite good.
4.CEJ and CSY’s speed could not reach naught at the time of motion accomplishment because COG speed were pushed abruptly after it was lessened.
5.All the subjects except CSY managed the unstable third and fourth stages.
They push down a floor by their hands and rise the upper part of their body in the fist stage. They push excessively their body at the moment.
Therefore they affect stability in each joint of their body in the second stage, backward salto.
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Electrocardiographic study on the countermeasure for prevention of sports accidents 자연 · 과학편 : 스포츠 사고(事故) 방지대책(防止對策)에 관한 심전도학적(心電圖學的) 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study is to find the effective and safe exercise time zone based on the electrocardiographic(ECG) responses.
Nine male well-trained volleyball players were studied as subjects. They underwent treadmill exercise with Bruce protocol. Exercise was performed at three different time zones, in the early morning, in the afternoon, and in the evening, respectively.
ST level, ST slope, and ST index were calculated and interpreted at rest and during exercise. Blood samples were withdrawn at rest and immediately after exercise for analyzing hormones.
1. % of target heart rate achieved was lower in the early morning than in the afternoon.
2. ST level indicated lower values in the early morning than in the other time zones. But there is no abnormal ST depression.
3. ST slope showed lower values in the morning than in the afternoon and evening at rest and during light and moderate exercise, but this difference disappeared during severe exercise.
4. ST index changes were similar to ST slope responses.
5. Plasma cortisol concentration was higher in the early morning than in the other time zones, and increased after exercise in the morning but did not change in the other cases.
It is concluded that exercising in the morning is effective for people who have large reserve cardiac capacity and no cardiac dysfunction and there is a possibility of more recruitment of fatty acid existing for energy sourses in the morning.
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A study on the change pattern on physical fitness accompanied by the change of menstrual phases 자연 · 과학편 : 월경주기의 변화에 따른 체력의 변화양상에 관한 연구
This paper was attempted to clarify the change pattern of physical fitness by the change of menstrual phases.
Selected subjects, in good health and got regular menstrual phase, for the experiment were six trained female students(athletic group) enrolled in physical education department and six untrained female students(non athletic group) enrolled in humanities and sociology department of pusan women’s University. They performed seven physical fitness tests each menstrual phase.
The results are as follows :
1. There was a significant difference between nonathletic and athletic group.
2. There were no significant difference among each record in three menstrual phase of seven physical fitness test items.
3. Therefore, it was shown that the physical fitness of female was affected little by the change of menstrual phases.
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Velocity analyses of Kicking Leg of Taekwondo player in Pulling Inertia Wheel 자연 · 과학편 : 관성차륜(慣性車輪)의 견인(牽引)에 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 발차기다리의 속도분석(速度分析)
30(2) 281-285, 1991
Velocity analyses of Kicking Leg of Taekwondo player in Pulling Inertia Wheel 자연 · 과학편 : 관성차륜(慣性車輪)의 견인(牽引)에 태권도선수(跆拳道選手)의 발차기다리의 속도분석(速度分析)
Pulling an inertia wheel, it could be always accelerated as long as the force was exerted, even though the equivalent mass of the wheel had any amount.
However, the force exerted on a wheel by leg extension with full effort must vary with the progression of pull and also differ from one on the wheel of another equivalent mass.
The purpose of this study was to estimate the no load velocity of the pulling inertial wheel for the top taekwondo players and the unskilled.
For this purpose, we calculated the leg extension velocity of the pulling inertial wheel and compared the velocity characteristic of the leg between the skilled and the unskilled. The equivalent weights of wheel of this experiment were five different kinds, such as 5,50.80,100 and 200㎏. Analysis of the data indicated that the estimation velocity at no load when the inertial wheel was pulled by the leg extension was significantly larger (F=4.507, p<.01) for the skilled than for the unskilled.
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Review of Exercise and diet for Obesity Treatment 자연 · 과학편 : AT수준이상의 강도를 기준으로 한 완전감시형 지구성운동 요법 및 불완전감시형식 요법의 병용이 비만지의 건강과 체력에 미치는 영향
30(2) 287-295, 1991
Review of Exercise and diet for Obesity Treatment 자연 · 과학편 : AT수준이상의 강도를 기준으로 한 완전감시형 지구성운동 요법 및 불완전감시형식 요법의 병용이 비만지의 건강과 체력에 미치는 영향
In modern society, prevention of obesity is considered to be important in promoting health maintenance and physical fitness improvement.
Obesity is directly caused by in taking excessive calories over caloric expenditure. Excessive caloric consumption over caloric expenditure is gradually stored as fat. So, increasing caloric expenditure through proper intense physical exercises of jogging-running over AT level (compete control physical exercise treatment) accompanied by restriction of caloric consumption (diet) shows considerable effects in prevention and treatment of obesity. Especially for obese persons, long-term physical exercises demonstrate effects of correcting various abnormal metabolism, such as prevention of skeletal tensions and increase of adrenal sensitivity. And diet based on nutritional practice, i.e., restriction caloric intake and increase of caloric expenditure, also contributes to obesity treatment.
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A Comparison of Anaerobic Components of the Wingate Anaerabic Capacity Test and the Critical Power Test 자연 · 과학편 : Wingate Anaerobic Capacity Test와 Critical Power Test의 무산소성 구성성분간의 비교
30(2) 297-302, 1991
A Comparison of Anaerobic Components of the Wingate Anaerabic Capacity Test and the Critical Power Test 자연 · 과학편 : Wingate Anaerobic Capacity Test와 Critical Power Test의 무산소성 구성성분간의 비교